Hope Dignity Strength Health Education Freedom Empowerment Liberty Safety
Every Girl . Everywhere . Period
Hi sisters and brothers under the same sun,
Please read this beautiful poem written by our talented Janine Bell:
What a couple of big weeks, celebrating the 1st Anniversary with our
affiliated Rotary Club of Walkerston!
I have had some very positive comments from both DfG and Walkerston
Rotary members, that the evening was a great success.
Thank you Walkerston Rotary for your donation, much appreciated, and
allowing us to run a raffle, that raised $197.00.
Thank you to Bente McDonald for writing and organising the article in The Daily
Mercury – 22.11.2018...Sorry! Wrong date on clipping ? 😎BM
The boxes of made items ready for packing are near to full. If you have
items at home that are complete, please organise getting them to us for our
packing day on the 15th December. It is looking like we will have made 700 kits
before the year end. If you are unable to finish items you have at home before
the packing day, can you please let me know or return them to the rooms.
I had a call from Maryanne Barnes, the lady who took 50 of our kits to
Nepal. She was overwhelmed by the response. I will attach some photos -
they tell the story.
How beautiful it is to see our work being distributed among women who
would otherwise be isolated while having their period. Well done Maryanne and
Thank You.
Our Saturday workshop was a great success with 19 volunteers with lots
of what we do best, getting done. Our raffle raised $85.00.
This Saturday - 24.11.2018 - is our Christmas/ Lorraine Lee Party
If you are joining us for lunch on this occasion, can you please bring a
plate of finger food to share. I think
we can count on Pam for bubbles! Santa will be there, so can you bring a small
gift ($10), so we can share some Christmas fun.
Our last workshop for 2018 will be on December 15th, we will break for a
month and return on the 17th January 2019.
Warm Regards
Dianne Catto
Click on this link to view short Photo-Video of First Anniversary Celebration
Hope Dignity Strength Health Education Freedom Empowerment Liberty Safety