Hope Dignity Strength Health Education Freedom Empowerment Liberty Safety
Every Girl . Everywhere . Period
The BIG day arrived!
And what a day it was!
Thanks to the many Days for Girls volunteers who worked incredibly well as a team, doing all the things that are necessary for a Cent Sale to happen - successfully!
What an Amazing Team! Well Done Everyone!
All the beautifully presented Cent Sale prizes
The queue for Tickets, Tickets and more Tickets!
The DfG Treasurer, and his lovely assistant, selling thousands of Cent Sale Tickets!
Two busy Days for Girls Raffle Ticket Sellers!
The winning ticket was #0147 - Errol Simmons
Another pair of busy Raffle Ticket Sellers! This one is the The Great Community Fundraiser. as the lovely lady pictured said - 'Where else could you 'buy' a new car for just $2!' (Mackay North Rotary Community Raffle drawn 15th August - see below)
A couple of busy cent sale ticket ripper-uperers!
... Starting off with a presentation about the Silent Auction of the beautiful quilt 'Hopscotch', in Memory of our dear Janet
The highest bidder was Roy!
Hope Dignity Strength Health Education Freedom Empowerment Liberty Safety