Hope Dignity Strength Health Education Freedom Empowerment Liberty Safety
Every Girl . Everywhere . Period
Every Girl . Everywhere . Period
What a big week...Days for Girls - Mackay !!
We had a great roll-up today for our weekly
sewing day that also turned into a packing day, with 100 kits packed. We had a
new volunteer, Kate, join us. It was great to see Mel this week, and to have Janet
back last week.
Pam visited Joanne in hospital with beautiful orchids...she loved them and is looking forward to
joining us when she is back on her feet.
Pam, Geoff
and I visited Mackay North Rotary Club on Thursday night...I spoke on what
our team has achieved in the past months. It was very heartening to have such
positive feedback.
McDonald from Walkerston Rotary Club, has been a wonderful help in setting up the Days for Girls Blogsite for us.
Also thank you to Carol Hughes for her donation of beautiful fabrics. Chris
Cross, has also been busy with lots of sewing.
I am not going to name all of
the wonderful volunteers in fear that I miss someone...Thank you, to all who
have been busy doing their homework and your generous gifts of materials,
ribbon, a stud machine, and gift for our weekly Raffle, and of course - your
valuable time.
Due to the
commitment of our volunteers, we have another 50 kits to go to the Solomon
Islands...to the Helena Goldie hospital in Munda.
Save the Date - 13th November 2018 - We will celebrate
our 1st Birthday with our affiliated Rotary Club of Walkerston...Stay
posted for more details.
meet each Saturday at 9.30am at our rooms in Gordon Street, finishing at about 1pm -Lunch outing is optional.
A kit should last for 3 years...
We give a day - 8 hours - to make one kit...
for a woman, in a developing country, to have...
one week every month - adding up to 84 days, or 2016 hours - a year...
of - Life Changing Dignity.